Born 1980 in Lausanne, CH
Lives and works in Antwerp, BE



2013 Research Assistant at Bern University of the Arts (BUA), Bern, CH
2010-2011 Residency, Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten / Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Amsterdam, NL
2002-2005 Hochschule der Künste Bern, Bern, CH


Long Distance, SB34, Brussels, BE

Für Damen, Barbara Seiler, Zurich, CH

Consensus, permanent installation at the Parliament Building, Bern, CH

Forthcoming Exhibition, Barbara Seiler Galerie, Zurich, CH
Forthcoming Exhibition, Espace d’Art Contemporain (Les Halles), Porrentruy, CH
(un)specifics, Marion De Canière Art Space, Antwerp, BE, Text by Win Van den Abbeele

The Piece Outside, Prix culturel Manor Vaud, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, CH

H x L x P / H x L x D, Espace Piano Nobile, Geneva, CH
Working Title, Kunstmuseum St.Gallen, St.Gallen, CH
Barbara Seiler Gallery, Zurich, CH (forthcoming)

The Receptionist, Second Room, Antwerp, BE

1 + 7 = 1, Barbara Seiler Gallery, Zürich, CH

Two Works, Dolores, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam, NL

Procedure, Bernhard Bischoff & Partner, Bern, CH
Setting Up The Process, Espace des télégraphes, Lausanne, CH

What We Talk, Lucy Mackintosh Gallery, Lausanne, CH


TIME LOCK (Zoom In), Barbara Seiler, Zürich, CH

The Waiting List, Grand Palais, Bern, CH

Neo-Logos, Stichting NDSM Werf, Amsterdam, NL
Inspections From Above, Lesage, Brussels, BE
Inward Out, Archiraar Gallery, Brussels, BE
Festival of Control, Cultuurcentrum Hasselt, Hasselt, BE
Intimate Attention, Appartment of Karen Moser, Bern, CH
Art Rotterdam (with Barbara Seiler), Rotterdam, NL

A Fair Proposal, Barbara Seiler, Zurich, CH Kunst und öffentlicher Raum, Zurich, CH Light, Non-Light, Chapter II x Gallery Baton, Seoul, KR 20, 20 years anniversary of EAC Les Halles, Porrentruy, CH, curated by Emilie Guenat Le musée d’élastomère gravé, Lausanne, CH, a project by Federica Martini & Karine Tissot Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More, Riga Biennial, Riga, LT, curated by Katerina Gregos

Art Brussels (with Barbara Seiler), Brussels, BE Sans titre (paramètres composés) / Sans paramètres (composition agile), Stadtgalerie Bern, Bern, CH Theater of Measurements, Kunstverein München, Munich, DE

Monologue for an Interior, Annaïk Lou Pitteloud & Steve Van den Bosch, Barbara Seiler Galerie, Zurich, CH Bern Baby Bern. Bern zu Gast in der Sammlung, Kunstmuseum Thun, Thun, CH
Nothing, really, Stadtgalerie, Bern, CH
Art Brussels (with Barbara Seiler), Brussels, BE
Art Rotterdam (with Barbara Seiler), Rotterdam, NL

The Excluded Third, Included, Galerie Emanuel Layr, Vienna, AT
Here and Now. Und die Ferne wird zur Nähe, Perla-Mode / Winterhalder-Areal, Zurich, CH
Dall’ apice al fondo, Apice for Artists, Amsterdam, NL
A Petite Fair, Frutta Gallery, Rome (with Barbara Seiler), IT
Art Rotterdam (with Barbara Seiler), Rotterdam, NL
Van de sokkel, Park Hof De Bist, Ekeren, BE

Liste 18, Basel (All about Audio mit Deuxpiece), CH
Art Rotterdam (with Barbara Seiler), Rotterdam, NL
0 Performance – The Fragile Beauty of Crisis, 5. Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art 2013, Moscow, RU
Feu sacré. Zum 200-jährigen Jubiläum der Bernischen Kunstgesellschaft, Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern, CH
Reality is not a commonplace, Photographs and Videos from the Julius Bär Art Collection, Museo Cantonale d’Arte, Lugano, CH
Talks, Dienstgebäude, Zurich, CH
Last Exit to Ordalia, LJ Gallery, Paris, FR

Reflections on Form, Barbara Seiler Galerie, Zurich, CH
Catch of the Year, Dienstgebäude, Zurich, CH
Contemporain … ou bien?, Fondation de l’Hermitage, Lausanne, CH
50 Days at Sea, Citiy Pavilion of Antwerp, curated by Philippe Pirotte, Shanghai Biennale 2012, Shanghai, CN
Surplus Authors, Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, NL
La jeunesse est un art – 30 Jahre Manor Kunstpreis, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, CH
Drôles de gens, Musée Jurassien des arts, Moutier, CH
Unter uns, Tra noi, Parmis nous, CSD Institute, Bern, Lausanne, Basel, Zürich, CH
Sentieri erranti. Arte Svizzera della Mobiliar, Museo Cantonale d’Arte, Lugano, CH
Human Nature, Die Mobiliar, Bern, CH
Closed because of the Going-Ons, Gallery Dukan Hourdequin, Paris, FR
A Brand New Baby Carriage Standing there on the Porch, Barbara Seiler, Zürich, CH

Edition, Deuxpiece, Basel, CH
Rijksakademie Open, Rijksakademie van beldeende kunsten, Amsterdam, NL
X Years, Gallery Bernhard Bischoff & Partner, Bern, CH
On not to, Galeria Fernando Santos, Porto, PRT
After Dark, La Filature, Mulhouse, FR

Rijksakademie Open, Rijksakademie van beldeende kunsten, Amsterdam, NL
Je ne vois que le soleil, (La lumière dans les collections du musée), Musée cantonal des Beaux-arts, Lausanne, CH
Innuendo, Villa Dutoit, Geneva, CH (exh. cat.)
Echoic Objects, SO Gallery, London, UK
Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
Des seins à dessein, Espace Arlaud, Lausanne, CH (exh. cat.)

L.P. Hendriks, Bloemfonteinstraat 9C-9D, Rotterdam, NL
I Called This Number Three Times Already Today, Marks Blond Project, Bern, CH
Untitled, Gymnase de la Cité, Lausanne, CH
Inbetweenout, Les Abris, Lausanne, CH (exh. cat.)
The Conspiracy / Die Verschwörung, Kunsthalle Bern, Bern, CH
Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
Kunsthalle Bern at the Liste, Liste 09, Basel, CH

Mémoire d’objets (titre provisoire), Latham Gallery, Geneva, CH (exh. cat.)
Teen City, Musée de L’Elysée, Lausanne, CH
Noleftovers, Kunsthalle, Bern, CH (exh. cat.)
Make Believe’, Photographic days, Photoforum PasquArt, Biel / Bienne, CH (exh. cat)

Made In VD, Museum’s Night, BCV Bank, Lausanne, CH
Ein Zweites Leben, Stadtgalerie, Bern, CH
Eau Sa(u)vage II, Fieldgate Gallery, London, GB
A Fantasy For The Moment, Kunsthalle, Bern, CH
Panorama, Bernhard Bischoff & Partners Gallery, Bern, CH

Eau Sauvage, Lucy Mackintosh Gallery, Lausanne, CH
Winners of the Swiss Art Awards, PROGR, Bern, CH
Marks Blond Project, Bern, CH,
Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
Exhibition of the photography Price canton of Bern, Photoforum PasquArt, Biel / Bienne, CH
Frost, Art One Gallery, Zürich, CH
Recess/Recreation, Lucy Mackintosh Gallery, Lausanne, CH

Weihnachtsausstellung, Kunstmuseum, Bern, CH
Elixiere, Kunsthalle, Bern, CH

Act’, Audiovisual perfomance festival, Stadtgalerie, Bern, CH
3rd edition of the Biennale, Bern, CH,
Plugged, Plug-in, Basel, CH
Accrochage Vaud, Musée cantonal des Beaux-arts, Lausanne, CH

Door to Door, open studios, Bern University of the Arts, Bern, CH

CATALOGUES (solo exhibitions)

Annaïk Lou Pitteloud. Folder, exh. pub., editions fink, Zurich 2016, Contributions by Maziar Afrassiabi, Madeleine Amsler, Pavel Büchler, Bethan Huws, Barnaby Drabble, Marie-Eve Knoerle, Federica Martini, Hans Rudolf Reust, Steve Van den Bosch, Nadia Veronese, Nicole Schweizer
Annaïk Lou Pitteloud. Dossier, exh. pub., Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, editions fink Zurich 2015, Texts by Made- leine Amsler, Federica Martini, Marie-Eve Knoerle, Nicole Schweizer (ed.) Annaïk Lou Pitteloud. Mappe, exh. pub., Kunstmuseum St.Gallen, editions fink Zurich 2015, Texts by Hans Rudolf and Nadia Veronese (ed.)
Annaïk Lou Pitteloud. Esercizio sullo stato attuale / Exercise in the Present State, exh. cat., Museo Cantonale d’Arte, Lugano 2014, Texts by Elio Schenini (ed.), and Matthew Post
Annaïk Lou Pitteloud. White between the Darlings, exh. cat., Barbara Seiler, Zurich 2014, Text by Steve Van den Bosch
Annaïk Lou Pitteloud. 1 + 7 = 1, exh. cat., Barbara Seiler, Zurich 2012, Text by Philippe Pirotte and Hans Rudolf Reust


2009 Witte de With, Rotterdam, NL, Book Launch of Rotterdam Dialogues
2005 Kunstmuseum, Bern, CH, ‘La Suisse en point de mire’, video art from 1970 to the present day


2010-2011 Rijksakademie van beeldenden kunsten, Amsterdam, NL


2016 Prix culturel Manor Vaud, Lausanne, CH
2016 Winner project, Competition for the Parliament Building Bern 2016, realisation 2018
2012 ZKB Art Award, Kunst Zürich 2013, Zurich, CH
2010 Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Förder Preis Kunsthaus Langenthal, Langenthal, CH
2008 ‘VD culture Fond Art Price’, Lausanne, CH,
2007 ‘Swiss Art Awards’, Basel, CH
2006 ‘Swiss Art Awards’, Basel, CH



    • Annaïk Lou Pitteloud

    The waiting list

    an exhibition conceived by Annaïk Lou Pitteloud
    Grand Palais, Bern, CH
    24 October – 21 November, 2020

    Visit Website

    • Annaïk Lou Pitteloud

    gerlach en koop, Was machen Sie um zwei? Ich schlafe.

    GAK, Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen, DE
    19 September – 20 December, 2020

    Visit Website

    • Annaïk Lou Pitteloud

    Hortus conclusus. L’illusione di un paradiso

    Museo Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona CH
    04 June – 07 November, 2020

    Visit Website